Identify, evaluate and hire the fittest talent

Through assessments, technical challenges and interviews
we help you find the most suitable talent for you.


Replace CVs with

Find and hire the best candidates based on their pre-qualified
competencies, saving time in selection processes and ensuring
that the talent will meet the skills required for the position.

Why Thincrs?

Average time to detect new candidates
Specialized profiles
Competencies to evaluate
Savings in the process of recruitment
Hired talents
success rate

We optimize your recruitment

Find the optimal talent easily, quickly and free of BIAS.


Create profiles with the DNA
of your company

Select from our catalog among more than 200 technical and soft skills to evaluate.


Invite candidates to the evaluation process

Invite your own applicants, share a link or choose from our referrals to make your personalized evaluation.


Conduct technical interviews

We take care of interviewing those talents that you consider most suitable for the requested requirements.


Select the most compatible talent for you

Thanks to the results of evaluations and interviews you can ensure that the talent you select meets the profile.

Invite and select candidates from our
talent pool

We have a base of prequalified talents for the different profiles to which you can invite to your selection processes, expanding the opportunities to find the best talent in a faster and more efficient way.

Access data,
reports and advanced metrics

Get access to the dashboard of personalized reports with which
you can obtain valuable information about your candidates, such as identifying the best evaluated competencies, demographic trends of the applicants and you can also follow each stage of the hiring process.

A comprehensive solution through one intelligent platform


Automated, personalized tests designed to evaluate up to 100
candidates in less than 48 hours.

Technical interviews

If you consider necessary we
have a team of experts who can
conduct detailed interviews so you can identify the best

Talent Pool

Access a group of profiled and prequalified talent so you can
invite them to your selection process.

Upskilling/Ramp up

We have programs designed by expert mentors to evaluate and
raise the level of competencies
of your team.

Reportes and metrics

Enter the custom reports dashboard to identify the highest value parameters in your recruitment processes.

ATS integration

We have practical integrations with ATS so you can link and track
detailed follow through of all the information of your applicants.

¡Start hiring today!

Find the most outstanding talent for your team.